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Programs and news clippings, 2009-2014

Identifier: Series II

Scope and Contents

The 2009-2014 Summer Concert Series featured the following performers:

2009: Susan Grace, Virginia Barron, Scott Yoo, Toby Appel, Susan Cahill, Kevin Cobb, Steven Copes, Jonathan Crow, Anne Epperson, Mark Fewer, Stefan Hersh, Bil Jackson, Michael Kroth, Jon Manasse, Elizabeth Mann, Jon Nakamatsu, John Novacek, John Rojak, Stewart Rose, Michael Thornton, Bion Tsang, Robert Walters, David Ying, Phillip Ying, Martha Aaron, Masakazu Ito, Patrick Zimmerli

2010: Susan Grace, Virginia Barron, Scott Yoo, Tobey Appel, Susan Cahill, Kevin Cobb, Anne Epperson, Mark Fewer, Anne Marie Gabriele, Stefan Hersh, Bil Jackson, Eric Kim, Michael Kroth, Jon Manasse, Elizabeth Mann, Jon Nakamatsu, John Novacek, Daniel Phillips, John Rojak, Stephen Rose, Stewart Rose, Michael Thornton, Bion Tsang, Phillip Ying, Herbert Beattie, Joel Burcham, Tonya Jilling, Robert Jurkscheit

2011: Susan Grace, Virginia Barron, Scott Yoo, Tobey Appel, Susan Cahill, Kevin Cobb, Mark Fewer, Stefan Hersh, Bil Jackson, Michael Kroth, Jon Manasse, Elizabeth Mann, Jon Nakamatsu, John Novacek, Daniel Phillips, John Rojak, Stephan Rose, Susan Rotholz, Michael Thornton, Bion Tsang, William Wolfram, Robert Walters, David Ying, Phillip Ying, Bill Bower, Courtney Hershey Bress, Nathaniel Chase, Lauren Miner Jacobson, John Kinzie, Michael Tetreault, Jon Wilkerson, Keiko Ying

2012: Susan Grace, Virginia Barron, Scott Yoo, Toby Appel, Susan Cahill, Kevin Cobb, Anne Epperson, Mark Fewer, Bil Jackson, John Kinzie, Michael Kroth, Jon Manasse, Elizabeth Mann, Steven Moeckle, Jon Nakamatsu, John Novacek, Daniel Phillips, John Rojak, Stephen Rose, Susan Rotholz, Michael Thornton, Bion Tsang, Robert Walters, William Wolfram, David Ying, Phillip Ying, Jerilyn Jorgensen, Anne Marie Liss, Frank Shelton, Max Raimi

2014: Susan Grace, Virginia Barron, Scott Yoo, Toby Appel, Susan Cahill, Kevin Cobb, Anne Epperson, Mark Fewer, Bil Jaackson, Erin Keefe, John Kinzie, Michael Kroth, Jon Manasse, Elizabeth Mann, Steven Moeckle, Jon Nakamatsu, Jon Novacek, John Rojak, Stephen Rose, Stewart Rose, Susan Rotholz, Jack Sutte, Michael Thonton, Bion Tsang, Robert Walters, William Wolfram, David Ying, Phillip Ying, Bill Bowers, Jim Jackson, Tonya Jilling, Frank Shelton, Annamarie Zmolek


  • 2009-2014


From the Collection: 7 Linear Feet (7 archives boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English